100 ways to show yourself love

We’ve heard it a million times before…”you cannot love anyone unless you love yourself”. This is much easier said than done. Here are some simple ways to show yourself the love that you deserve. Choose a couple and incorporate them into your daily routine OR try an 100-day challenge, each day completing one exercise.

Moody to groovy
5 min readJul 1, 2020
Photo by Heidi Kaden on Unsplash
  1. Buy yourself flowers: Trader Joes has $1.99 flowers!
  2. Mediate: Gaby Bernstein’s meditation package is great! She also has lots of free exercises
  3. Soak in a hot bath: Epsom salts & lavender are great for relaxation
  4. Indulge in your favorite snack
  5. Exercise: Everyone has at least 20 minutes a day to put aside for their body
  6. Journal: I like to do this when I first wake up
  7. Feel the sunshine on your skin
  8. Go on a drive
  9. Listen to your favorite song
  10. Call an old friend
  11. Plan a trip to somewhere you’ve never been: Getting excited about going somewhere is one of the best feelings ever
  12. Make a hot cup of tea, dim the lights, light a candle and play some relaxation music
  13. Apply essential oils
  14. Start a new Netflix series
  15. People watch
  16. Read a book: Today I listened to The Skinny Confidential episode #82 and Michale Bostic talked about how reading books about people who have experienced hardships is a great way to get perspective and to become more appreciative. He suggested the book Man Searching for Meaning. I will be reading this book next.
  17. Pet some puppies
  18. Plant: You can plant flowers for a pretty visual and scent or you can plant yummy fruits and veggies and watch them grow every day.
  19. Watch the sunrise/sunset
  20. Go on a beach walk/mountain hike
  21. Walk around your neighborhood: I go on “roomie” walks after dinner every night and it’s honestly my favorite thing
  22. Sit on your porch and drink your morning coffee
  23. Make a new recipe: If you love it, share it with others
  24. Learn a new word and use it
  25. Repeat a mantra to yourself such as “you are loved” throughout the week
  26. Visit somewhere that brings you happy memories
  27. Give thanks: Think about how thankful you are when doing this
  28. Wash your sheets, shave your legs and snuggle up: Come on ladies, there is no other feeling like this am I right?
  29. Dress up for no reason and take yourself on a date
  30. Eat clean
  31. Break a bad habit
  32. Get passionate about something new
  33. Do something out of your comfort zone, it can be small
  34. Talk to a stranger and truly engage with them
  35. Prioritize sleep
  36. Sing a song and dance: This will engage both hemispheres of your brain, allowing it to not wander off into anxiety and unwanted thoughts
  37. Put your phone down: 1 hour upon waking and 1 hour before sleep
  38. Eat a piece of chocolate: I’ve heard eating a piece of chocolate is more satisfying than kissing someone you love! I don’t know if I believe this but it’s worth a shot
  39. Complete a breathing exercise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzCaZQqAs9I
  40. Get a massage: I like to do 10 minutes for 10 minutes with my friend when I don’t have the funds to get a professional massage OR I massage my own feet with lotion OR I use my back roller to help get out some tension
  41. Connect with your family: A simple text or phone call is all it takes
  42. Listen to podcasts
  43. Read blogs
  44. Clean your room/house: This will allow for your inner and outer worlds to sink
  45. Go through your closet and donate old clothes
  46. Watercolor
  47. Do a DIY activity, get creative!: Pinterest has the best ideas
  48. Try a new restaurant
  49. Hug yourself when you wake up and before you go to bed: sounds silly, but it’s been proven to help
  50. LISTEN: Stop waiting for your turn to talk and just LISTEN
  51. Practice positive self-talk: I LOVE the book Positive Intelligence for this.
  52. Be silly, let your inner child come out
  53. Make a list of things you’re looking forward to
  54. Get organized with your planner
  55. Add a new decoration to your house
  56. Do a cleanse: it can be getting rid of something for a week like alcohol or adding something in like juice
  57. Clean out your phone: Delete apps and pictures that no longer serve you
  58. Sit in front of a fireplace
  59. Put on some fuzzy socks
  60. Paint your nails
  61. Give yourself a face mask
  62. Take a cold shower: The Iceman talks about the benefits of this on his youtube channel linked above
  63. Go on a bike ride: I recently discovered there are rental bikes in my neighborhood and I’ve been loving it.
  64. Watch an old movie: Get into your feels
  65. Buy a film camera and take some pictures of your favorite things
  66. Make a vision board and hang it in your room
  67. Sleep in
  68. Write down 10 things you are grateful for
  69. Take an online class
  70. Let go of a toxic relationship
  71. Learn to say no if you struggle with this
  72. Try a therapy session: This doesn’t work for everyone but it may be life-changing for others!
  73. Take vitamins
  74. Do your research: Do not solely depend on what others tell you
  75. Have fun with your friends and put your worries aside
  76. Rearrange your living space
  77. Make a new friend
  78. Explore your spirituality
  79. Stretch
  80. Wear sunscreen, your seatbelt, a helmet, protection (lol), something you feel good in
  81. Take a picture of yourself that makes you feel pretty: Keep it for times where you feel otherwise
  82. Play in the sand and water if accessible
  83. Eat dessert tonight
  84. Do a good deed
  85. Check your posture
  86. Tell the truth
  87. Come clean about something that has been causing you guilt
  88. Set time aside to be alone
  89. Take a power nap if you need to
  90. Write a letter to a friend: You could even make a pen pal
  91. Finish a task that you’ve yet to complete
  92. Paint your room a new color
  93. Brush your hair, brush your teeth, GET ready for the day
  94. OR have a lazy day in your PJs for once
  95. Get a car wash
  96. Put on some chapstick
  97. Get a fresh haircut
  98. Get that tattoo you’ve always wanted: (Only if you’ve always wanted it, no impulse decisions here)
  99. Get a pet: If the time is right and you are capable of fully caring for it
  100. Sleepover at your friend’s house for a change in scenery OR stay in a hotel (my fav)

I hope these little acts of self-kindness serve you :) Now go on, show yourself a lil love.



Moody to groovy

Just a post grad girly trying to figure it all out {boys, breakups, beauty, & booze}