Simple Morning Routine

Moody to groovy
2 min readJun 24, 2020

Keep it simple

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

“Morning Schedules helps us to set the tone for the day, better allowing us to control our schedules rather than our schedules controlling us.” -Jodi Clark

Wakeup After 8ish hours of sleep

This is important because it allows for you to have the entire day ahead of yourself. In order for this to work you should aim to fall asleep by around midnight. This allows for approximately 8 hours of sleep. Adjust your sleep times according to your personal daily schedule. For instance, if I know I have to be up by 7am, I will aim to fall asleep by 11pm. Research has shown this to be the average amount of needed sleep in order to have the most energy during the day.

Do the 5 second rule once your alarm goes off

If you haven’t yet read Mel Robbins, The Five Second Rule, DO.IT. This book will teach you how to stop procrastinating and to start making things happen. Simple things such as waking up the second your alarm goes off becomes natural. It’s simple; all you do is count down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLASTOFF. Immediately follow through with the action without hesitation. This thought process will eventually become habitual and you will soon realize that you can actually use this tool for ANYTHING. Even things such as breaking a bad habit like smoking. Don’t believe me? Read. The. Book.

Give yourself a full hour to complete your morning routine. Make it whatever you decide is most beneficial to you

Personally I first wash my face with cold water because it helps wake me up. Then I drink a large glass of water to hydrate my body after sleeping. Then I like to go sit out on my balcony and write in my journal, mediate (Gabrielle Bernstein.. shout out to you), drink tea/coffee and listen to current podcasts. Do whatever makes you feel the best. Avoid active screen time during your MR.

At first, my morning routine seemed like a chore. Eventually I came to realize that it was actually one of my favorite parts of the day. It helped me to set a positive outlook for the rest of the day. It also helped me to accomplish my goals simply by setting aside time just for myself.



Moody to groovy

Just a post grad girly trying to figure it all out {boys, breakups, beauty, & booze}