Why You Should Stop Binge Drinking

A Misconception

Moody to groovy
2 min readNov 26, 2020

THE BLUE LINE: The blue exponential line indicates that people tend to believe that “more is better”. We have one drink and notice a little weight lifted off our shoulders. We have a second/third drink and are feeling pretty great, hitting it off with old friends and strangers at the bar. We continue to keep drinking because each drink seems to be making us feel better and better. Until, it doesn’t.

RED LINE: The red line indicates what is actually going on. After the first few drinks (Different depending on the person) we reach a “BUZZ”. The peak. This is the best we are going to feel as far as chemically in our brain. After the buzz, continuing to drink, will lower our mood. Individuals may become angry, sad, numb, bored, etc. This is where we go wrong! We tend to believe that by drinking even more than we have, we will be able to get rid of these feelings and reach a our peak mood again. Except, what we don’t realize is we’re way past that point.


It’s true. We get in the moment and think to ourselves “ah what harm can one more drink do”. Next thing we know, we’re sitting in front of the toilet shivering on the cold bathroom tile. Even if we don’t take it that far, many of us tend to feel a little worse than necessary the following day. Hangxiety is a real thing!


1. Journal before you go out for a big night. I know it sounds silly but it works. Just calming yourself down and being mindful that you’re going to take it slow. It also helps to look back on a journal entry of your worst hangover day, where you promised yourself in anxious scribbles that you were never going to drink irresponsibly ever again (if you’ve wrote one that is).

2. Have a question ready to go that you’ll ask yourself each time you choose to have another drink. I like the question, “am I having fun”? If I’m already having a good time and don’t feel the need to “take the edge off”, then I feel less inclined to have another drink. Of course, this can backfire if you aren’t having fun, but you get the point. I also like to ask myself, “do I really need this next drink/will I regret it tomorrow”? Having these sort of ready to go questions are a good way to check in with yourself while you are drinking.

Hope this helps for those of my anxious drinkers ! I know I get nervous around the Holiday season . Just drink slow, enjoy, & focus on your loved ones.



Moody to groovy

Just a post grad girly trying to figure it all out {boys, breakups, beauty, & booze}